
11 Angel Number And Its Meaning

Find out why this number will be so significant…

Wisdom is really important, and I firmly believe that we should all strive to be wiser each day. The thing about wisdom is that it can come in many forms.

Some wisdom is based on learning new facts, skills and ways of thinking. Other times, it can refer to spiritual wisdom, and taking the time to nurture our spiritual side can be just as important as nurturing the mind.

Angel number 11 is all about keeping your wisdom sharp in all senses, and your angels will be blessing this process. I will guide you through how to make the most of this angel number throughout this guide!

Is Angel Number 11 Lucky?

Often when it comes to angel numbers, there will be a blessing that advises the recipient to do (or not do) something. In these cases, it could be something like a new endeavor or a decision that your angels want to bless with power and success.

When dealing with numbers like those, people may see them as being lucky or possibly unlucky. This is a set of terms I prefer to avoid when it comes to angel numbers.

In the cases I mentioned, it will be a blessing of power to make something easier or more likely, but it’s never a guarantee. Often, I will concede if people do want to refer to those kinds of angel numbers as lucky or unlucky.

When it comes to angel number 11, however, I would really never agree that it should be considered lucky or not. If I had to sum up this angel number in one word, it would be:


This number is a call from your angels to take some time and effort to look inward and work on your spiritual and intellectual wisdom. It might sound a bit less exciting and impactful than a more tangible blessing, however I think this kind of blessing is just as great!

The number isn’t just an invitation to look inward, as there is a blessing here. You can work with your angels to not only achieve inner wisdom but also more peace and happiness.

These are things I will cover in greater detail throughout this guide, but I hope that this shows why I wouldn’t say that it’s a lucky number. Could you say that one would be fortunate or lucky to receive it?

Even then, I wouldn’t really say that I would consider that luck, but I could definitely see where one is coming from if they did. As a psychic, I am aware of my angels around me at all times.

For people with a different connection to their angels, they may not feel that all the time, even though their angels are always there. Angel numbers will be a more specific interaction from your angels when they determine you need it.

So, if you see angel number 11, your angels have seen that you need a spiritual refresher. Perhaps you have not been taking the time to nourish your mind and soul, and this could be affecting you.

As far as I’m concerned, luck is random and uncontrollable, whereas an angel number will have purpose behind it. Now that we have covered this part of it, let’s see what you should and should not do with this number.

What NOT To Do If You Keep Seeing 11

Have you ever found yourself thinking so hard about something that you think too much and make it more complicated than it needs to be?

I know there have been so many times where I’ve had to solve an issue and I come up with an elaborate solution when a much simpler one was right under my nose the entire time.

This is how it can be with angel numbers, and especially with this one. As I’ve touched on before, this number has to do with wisdom, and so there are some pursuits relating to wisdom that your angels want you to look into.

When it comes to the kinds of wisdom, it could be intellectual or spiritual, and this is where you need to listen to the influence of your angels. One major thing to avoid is assuming you know what it’s all about.

For example, I have an interest in herbs and tinctures which I used to be very passionate about. I hadn’t looked into it for a few years, and just the other day I had a random thought to see if my local bookstore had any books on the subject.

I looked into it, found some books and had a wonderful time reigniting my passion for the subject. When this feeling hit me, I definitely didn’t see it as a random occurrence.

The joy and fulfillment I found from reigniting this passion made me certain that my angels wanted me to look into this subject that they knew was good for my mind and soul.

If you see this angel number for yourself, then I would advise you to not overthink it and to also let yourself be influenced to where your angels want you to go.

If you suddenly feel an urge to look up something you used to love or maybe partake in an activity that used to bring you joy, then it’s worth looking into it!

This would also be a good time to make more space in your life to reflect and work on yourself both mentally and spiritually. The blessing of your angels will be there to guide and enhance your efforts.

Seeing this number is a great sign, as your angels want you to make the most of your spiritual and mental gifts and aptitude. As long as you take this blessing and work on these things, you will make the most of the blessing they have for you.

Where To Look For Your Numbers

I love angel numbers, as they represent a very tangible way that our angels communicate with us to give messages of their blessings.

As a psychic, I have helped many, many people to interpret their numbers, and I’ve seen it all when it comes to places people have found them.

I remember a few years back, a client of mine saw their numbers on the expiration date on a bottle of milk, the order number on their receipt at a restaurant and then on a clock in a film they were watching.

The thing with angel numbers is that they not only can appear anywhere, but they will have a feeling associated to them. When my client first saw the numbers, they did feel something significant about them.

Apparently, they brushed off this feeling, but the numbers stuck in their mind because they did notice when they saw them a second time. At this point, they knew it was no coincidence.

Ignoring that feeling when numbers seem special is the biggest mistake that you can make when regarding angel numbers.

I always say that you should find a good balance between being vigilant about your numbers but also not becoming obsessed with it. If you see numbers that feel a bit special, try to make a mental note of it.

If you see them again, you should feel that same feeling again, and it should be within fairly close proximity time-wise. Your angels will also always make your numbers appear in places they know you’ll be looking.

You don’t need to be obsessively searching for numbers every second of the day, but just be open to it and take note when you feel something special.

People also ask me how long the numbers will be, and this can vary greatly. In my experience, they can be anything from 1 to around 6 digits long, but they could theoretically be longer.

It varies from message to message, but remember to look for the numbers that feel special. If you see them repeated one or more times in the next few hours or days at the most, then it’s clear that your angels are sending a message.

Much like the message of angel number 11, it’s best not to overthink it too much!

My Final Comments on Angel Number 11

It’s always great to take some time for yourself, especially when it will help to make you happier and more fulfilled. Angel number 11 is a call to do just that, and your angels will be blessing this spiritual journey.

Try to be even more open to suggestions from your angels than normal in the time following this message. If you feel compelled or inspired to do something that will enhance your spiritual and intellectual happiness, then be sure to investigate it.

This is the best way to make sure that you work with your angels to make the most of their blessing!

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